Space radiation (IR) from Solar Particle Events (SPE) and Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR), also known as high charge and energy (HZE) IR, is a primary risk associated with deep-space missions. There are limited animal and human studies on the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) development due to space-IR. The cardiac effects induced by space-type IR, specifically simplified GCR simulated (simGCRsim)-IR, are yet to be discovered. We hypothesized that gamma (γ) and simGCRsim IR-induced biological responses are chronic, IR type-dependent, and may increase the relative risk for developing CVD during and after long-duration space missions. Further, we hypothesize that there may be sex-specific differences in IR-associated alterations in CV function and structure. To test our hypotheses, we exposed 3-month-old male and female age-matched C57Bl/6J wild-type (WT) mice to 137Cs-γ-IR at 100 cGy, 0.662 MeV and simGCRsim-IR at 50 cGy 500 MeV/n. We assessed cardiac function by transthoracic echocardiography (ECHO) at 28 days, and 12, 16, 22/18.5 (male/female)-months post-IR. To evaluate sex-associated differences in the regulation of the transcriptional landscape, total RNA isolated from male and female LV hearts was sequenced with Illumina NGS. Sequenced reads were splice-aligned to the mm10 mouse reference genome using the STAR aligner. Raw read counts were normalized with the DESeq2 R package and converted to log2 CPM values. Differential expression analysis and downstream bioinformatics analysis were performed using the oposSOM R package.
Programme: Space Radiobiology
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Mouse
ArmLifeBank PALs: No PALs for this Project
Project start date: 1st Jul 2023
Project end date: 30th Jun 2027